Friday, June 29, 2007

The Corner

The corner isn’t just for drug pushers, prostitutes, or winos. Everyone needs to spend some time on the corner. That corner of your mind carved from the rest of your preoccupations with a big sign that reads, ME ONLY. Everyone needs one of these corners. It has to be carved in a way where only you could possibly fit through the door, only you have the key, and only you know where it is. Think of it as your sanctuary, you know like the church in medieval Europe where one running from the king, goons, or any other enemy could go to as a refuge, where they would be safe from “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.” Only this sanctuary would do best outfitted with padding, soundproof, and like a bomb shelter able to withstand a nuclear holocaust, and a surround sound system, with a lot of bass, and queued with your favorite tunes, some deep shit, some shit that makes you slip into a sort of coma, a blissful one, and you may want to have some marijawana there if that’s your thing. Yeah everyone needs such a corner. You can’t go to this corner all the time, you have to go there sparingly, otherwise it becomes the refuge of a coward. Even superman needed a fortress of solitude. Surly we lowly humans need at least a corner. A corner to live when the world seeks your death. Give it a name if you want, get a tattoo with its name on your shoulder, make it your imaginary friend and give it a kiss once in a while. Whatever the hell you do, just make sure you get one.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


You hear that silence inside that causes violence to rise...
Cause you're not doing what you supposed to.

You dwindle and die as your nerve starts to shy...
Because you ain't man enough.

you're mind starts to shrivel as your soul starts to chisel...
Casue you've waisted your time.

Your heart stops to beat as you die in the heat of life...
Because you didn't quench that thirst.

I pray, "Not me Lord!"

So I open my eyes and my pulse starts to climb
cause I say fuck that!

My feet hit the street cause I refuse to be beat
cause I know God made me.

My fists start to clench as I grab my tools and wrench
cause this world's got some fixing to be done.

My heart starts to skip cause I got ideas that flip
my whole reality upside down.

The corners of my mouth start to rise cause my soul bursts inside
cause I feel like a kid again.

It burns from inside and I know it's divine
cause my spirit tells me so.

I don't know where it leads but walking this road starts to feed
my sprit
and that's all that I need.

I start to live


What drives us? What makes life worth it? Passioin I think. That inklig in your stomach that tells you life is worth living, that there is that proverbial pot of gold at the end of life's rainbow, that idea that it is better to have loved and lsot than never to have loved at all, that thing inside me that says fuck stoicism I'll take the pain and relish in my joy. it may be safe but not worth living for. Right now... The only aspiration I have, is for me to live my life passionately. You have to pronounce it with an emphasized shhhhhh on teh ssion part of the word. yeah, passhhhionately. It almosta makes me shudder.